Synthetic & Conventional Oil Change Services
Why Does Engine Oil Need To Be Changed?
Oil is a critical liquid that your vehicle requires to operate correctly, making oil changes a must. Engines have a lot of shifting internal pieces and moving parts lubricated by oil, decreasing friction and absorbing heat.
In the engine, infrequent oil changes will cause dirt and sludge to build up. The oil in your vehicle becomes polluted over time and breaks down, making it less effective. Overheating, severe engine wear, or a complete engine failure may result from dirty or low oil. To preserve the overall health of your vehicle, knowing when to change your oil is essential.
When Does A Vehicle’s Oil Need To Be Changed?
The suggested oil change intervals used to be 3,000 miles, or every three months, whichever came first. But times have changed, and so have the requirements for changing oil.
The general guideline now is about every 5,000 miles or six months. And if your car is new and you don’t drive it too far, it might be up to about every 7,500 miles or every 12 months. As having fewer oil changes will save you cash over the years, drivers should regularly be checking their dipstick to ensure their engine oil is in proper condition.
How Often Should You Change Your Vehicle’s Oil?
Consider the age of your car if you want a more precise timetable for oil changes. If your car is older, following the owner’s manual oil guidelines is advised. This is particularly the case if the vehicle has complicated driving habits. You may want to stick to changing your oil about every 3,000 miles or 3 months if your car is more than ten years old and you drive in bad Chicago weather or do a lot of stop and go driving.
Newer vehicles that take synthetic oil can often go longer without an oil change. This is because synthetic oil doesn’t break down as quickly as conventional oil does. When changing the oil on newer cars, drivers should still factor in driving habits, weather, Chicago traffic, and manufacturer guidelines. With regular driving conditions, synthetic oil can go 5,000-7,000 miles or around six months before being changed.
Signs That The Automobile’s Oil Needs To Be Changed
Many newer cars have oil gauges, but a low oil level might cause the check engine light to turn on for some older models. Other vehicles have a separate warning light that indicates low levels of oil. Of course, anything as small as some spilled gas right outside the gas tank cap may also cause a control engine light, so there is no risk in merely testing the dipstick or going to Chicago Autohaus.
Listening to the engine’s sound may alert you to insufficient or uneven oil levels. If the engine is running louder than usual or hearing unfamiliar sounds, it may be time for an oil change.
Engine oil is initially honey brown, but after a few months of use, it quickly darkens. If you can visually notice particles mixed in with the black oil, it is time for an oil change. At this stage, the filter will become overloaded and could do real damage to your motor.
How Long Does An Oil Change Take?
A professional oil change typically takes between 30 and 45 minutes. Most of the time is consumed by actions that don’t involve changing the oil at all (lifting the car, payment, etc).
If you’re in a rush and need an oil change done quickly, call and set an appointment before bringing your car in. Having an appointment will ensure your vehicle will be worked on asap.
The Oil Change Process
- The Vehicle Is Susepneded On A Hydraulic Lift
- Oil Reservoir Is Drained (Releasing The Old Oil)
- Old Oil Filter Is Removed And Replaced
- New Oil Is Added
- Oil Levels Are Tested And Engine Is Examined For Oil Leaks
What Is The Cost Of An Oil Change?
As for cost, it depends, as with most auto maintenance and repairs. Synthetic oil is more expensive than a traditional oil, and some engines retain a lot more oil than others.
For instance, a small inline-four first-generation Mazda Miata would need around 3.4 quarts, while the 3.0-liter diesel in a Mercedes-Benz needs more than twice that (about seven to eight quarts).
Drivers not only pay for the oil but also the cost of a replacement oil filter and labor. Oil filters are a constant cost because they must be changed out with every oil change.
For a five-quart bottle, top-quality synthetic oil alone will cost between $20 and $30, so don’t be surprised if an oil-change location charges $50 to $75 for oil and a filter replacement.
What Type Of Oil Does My Vehicle Need?
The owner’s manual of the vehicle will list the recommended oil weight for that specific vehicle. Standard oil weights look like this: 10-W30. That number refers to the oil viscosity (or thickness) you can use. If you’re still unsure, contact a Chicago auto professional for vehicle-specific oil information.
For the seasons and your intended use of the car, you can change the oil’s weight and form. What is mentioned in your owner’s manual is perfect for occasional use at moderate temperatures.
Drivers also have some options on the type of oil they put in their vehicles. The three popular oil types are high mileage, synthetic, and conventional oil. All three have their pro’s and con’s, but finding the oil that is best suited for your vehicle should be an essential factor.
Synthetic and Conventional Motor Oil?
It is better for your engine to have synthetic oil than traditional oil. Conventional motor oil (mineral oil) can provide adequate lubrication efficiency, but the overall engine performance and safety offered by synthetics outperform conventional oil.
Compared to the less refined base oils used in manufactured conventional oils, synthetics use higher-quality oils.
What Is Synthetic Oil?
Synthetic oil is a lubricant consisting of chemical compounds made artificially by breaking down and rebuilding petroleum molecules.
A drop of synthetic oil under a microscope reveals millions of molecules, all nearly the same size and shape. Under a microscope, a drop of conventional oil shows millions of molecules, all with distinct shapes, sizes, and structures.
Synthetic oil can be entirely synthetic or a mixture of synthetics and can be extracted from many forms of the base.
What Is Conventional Motor Oil?
A lubricant extracted directly from crude oil is conventional motor oil. It has excellent properties that allow it to provide high-temperature lubrication and maintain its stability over a long period of time.
Compared to synthetic oil, conventional motor oil breaks down faster and is not as clean. Though conventional oil is cheaper, this type of oil must be swapped out more frequently.
What Is High Mileage Oil?
High mileage oils have additives that clean and assist older parts. Older valve-guide seals in engines may have decreased seepage in certain instances, resulting in reduced consumption of oil. Many high mileage motor oils contain detergents and are meant to remove engine sludge.
High mileage motor oil was created to benefit cars with over 75,000 miles. Ultimately, when to turn is your choice to make, but understanding the available products allows you to make the right decision.
Where Should You Go For An Oil Change?
Chicago has plenty of auto shops that are adequately equipped to properly change a vehicle’s oil. Before taking your vehicle into a shop, do your research with diligence and find choose a shop with a reputation of excellence.
Motor oil changes may seem rudimentary, but they’re a necessary service. Take your vehicle to a trusted Chicago auto shop to ensure the best services for your automobile.